Monday, 9 July 2012

Background music!!

Sites where you can get Music as HTML code

How to insert it?

Like any other HTML code , go to Dashboard > Template > Add new gadget > HTML/JavaScript > Copy/Paste the code > DONE!

Make sure to place it where it wont be visible!

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Thursday, 5 July 2012

Word verification!!

Ahh they are just annoying to me ! When you want to comment on something it goes like " Please write what you see" and they give you words like this ..

Sometimes , when I see a word verification I just lose my interest in posting my comment somehow...

So , how to get rid of them???

Go to Dashboard > More options > Settings > Posts and Comments > Scroll down > "Show word verification" > Switch it to " No" > Save > You are DONE!

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Monday, 2 July 2012

How to make text areas?

Have you ever wondered how to make text areas??

There are types of text areas , two types ..

FIRST - The editable text area

and there are two types of them ..

1) With text wrap


<textarea cols="20" rows="5" wrap="hard"> TEXT HERE </textarea>

2) Without text wrap


<textarea cols="20" rows="5" wrap="off">TEXT HERE</textarea>

SECOND - The "read only" text areas

This is most commonly used in HTML codes , where the reader could not change it , but only copy and paste it.


<textarea cols="20" rows="5" wrap="hard" readonly="yes">TEXT HERE</textarea>


  • In a post

In your post basically you are on the "compose" view . Switch to the "HTML" view and copy/paste the desired code and insert your text .
Switch to the "compose" view to observe what you've done and to align your text area.

  • As a widget

Copy code > Dashboard > Layout > HTML/JavaScript > Paste code

you are DONE!

** NOTE: Make sure to place your info instead of  "TEXT HERE"

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